What Is Chili Bowl?

So, you’ve been asking yourself...just what is the Chili Bowl anyway? 


The Chili Bowl is an annual party which started back in March 1990 to chase the winter blues away. 20+ years later, through winters savage and mild, the party continues!
Guests are invited to bring a chili (enough for 30 or so people to taste…about a crock pot’s worth), but this is strictly voluntary. Each year we have between 40-65 guests and between 8-16 chilis! The chilis are tasted and ballots are filled in for 6 different categories: 


Most Appealing Appearance

Most Blistering Heat

Most Fragrant Bouquet

Most Curious Combination

Most Unabashedly Trendy

ICB Grand Champion
(aka Most Everything)


In 2018 we introduced a new category, designed to encourage the grwoing number of kids to participate in the judging and voting.  It is appropriately named 

ICB Next Gen

and it comes with its own ballot.  No headaches trying to figue out which chili is the best example of 6 different categories, just pick your favourite!  The inaugural ballot looked like this:

Finally, there is one additional category, only awarded in special circumstances: 

ICB People's Choice

This is awarded to a chili which does not receive enough votes to win in any individual category, but that accumulates more votes across all categories than any other chili.


The ballots are tallied and prizes are awarded at the end of the night!
In between all this excitement is great food, great drinks, great friends and great times!
So, you want to enter a chili? That’s great! The more, the better! Don’t be shy! Many newcomers have taken home one of the cherished prizes!
 Questions? Just drop us a line or give us a call. Hope to see you here!

Need more details?  Read the manual here!